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Creating a partnership of potential and possibility, empowering you to build your own path towards being and becoming iFXNL™, over and over again.
iFXNL™ - (iFunctional)
1. an endlessly evolving, elevated state of being, grounded in the principles of awareness, balance and curiosity
2. iFXNL™ Fitness -
(Integrated Functional Fitness)
a measure of how effectively you function, in life, love and mission


“I have come to realise that this has not been a hardship, this has been an awakening. For me ME/CFS has been a gift and I want to put all that I have learned to use in a positive way by helping those who continue to suffer.”


This is a quote from the first blog I ever published and the first time I ever discussed my experience of living with a chronic illness and subsequent recovery. I likened the blog to the opening paragraph of my manifesto and it is this mission that drives me every day to share the lessons I learned on my way back to a more balanced, conscious existence and to provide the support that was so sadly lacking for me through conventional means.

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  • Searching for more? To do more, be more, have more?

  • Low on energy, clarity, direction?

  • Trapped by anxiety, depression, autoimmunity, chronic illness?

  • Looking for practical, pragmatic solutions?



Upgrade your the hacks, tools & techniques to supercharge your life & find passion, purpose & meaning.

​Incorporating cutting-edge methodology from the fields of Psychology, Philosophy, Functional Medicine & Biohacking, Skywards HPC offers a comprehensive, systematic approach to optimising your life, helping tame your inner critic & develop the awareness, drive & inspiration needed to create a blueprint & action plan that serves you.

Discover the concept of

Integrated Functional Fitness™ & instil the confidence, clarity & direction needed to become

iFXNL™ by focusing on our three core tenets:

PBE - Psychology, Biology, Environment.

Skywards HPC is an organisation dedicated to enhancing the iFXNL™ Fitness of all, leading to an elevated experience of life & love, measurable through higher levels of health, happiness & performance.


We believe these tools & techniques should be mainstream. We have not been taught how to function effectively at the most elemental level, which is surely the deepest wisdom we could all hope to possess.


As a result, anxiety, depression, autoimmunity and chronic illness are all on the rise yet our current medical and social systems are based upon a model that has been built on the premise of symptom management rather than holistic replenishment and specialises in treating ‘acute’ rather than ‘invisible’ illnesses.


We bridge that gap, by helping you access the self-knowledge & skills necessary to walk the road less travelled, for rewards rarely seen.



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Take the pieces and build them Skywards

Our aim is to explore the frontiers of functional LIBERATion with a collective willing to embrace the idea that we as human beings are only scratching the surface of our capabilities, to be the pioneers of potential and unearth the possibilities that are available to us all when we ‘do the work’ and take that first step into the unknown.

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